速報APP / 運動 / La Tricolor México Fans

La Tricolor México Fans





版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Avinguda Alcalde Barnils 64-68, 4, D Sant Cugat del Vallès Barcelona 08174 ES

La Tricolor México Fans(圖1)-速報App

Get to know the latest news of what is going on in Tricolor; written by real fans for real fans at eltricolor.com.mx. The best platform to be “on the know” and show your support for Tricolor.

Beyond Tricolor, you can follow other teams and players across the world. Over 7 M pics, 2 M videos, 2M news reports and many millions of comments.

- Chat and share your views with Tricolor supporters across the world.

- Maximize your game experience by real time chatting, pic/photo uploading…and, of course, Tricolor goal celebrations!

La Tricolor México Fans(圖2)-速報App

- Beat the crowd in forecasting the score!!!

- Personalize your alerts (goals, scores, signings, news…).

- Get the scoop; latest news, last minute signings and all relevant information on Tricolor.

- Thousands of pic/videos, players, supporters, stadium, celebrations, titles, travels…. All you want to know about Tricolor.

La Tricolor México Fans(圖3)-速報App

- All scores of the week, and of course, Tricolor.

- Tricolor ranking .

- Make your voice count on survey and questionnaires.

- Any particular player you like the most. Get constant updates in what is going on with them: Chicharito Hernández, Giovanni dos Santos, Jonathan dos Santos, Rafa Márquez, Ochoa, Raúl Jiménez...

La Tricolor México Fans(圖4)-速報App

Be part of it!!! Many Tricolor supporters participate and support their team to climb up all the way to the top.

The pride of Tricolor is on the line. Be a player!!!

Go die hard Mexico!!

La Tricolor México Fans(圖5)-速報App